p: (514) 312-6400

Saving you money
There is so much to know when it comes to taxes and the ever changing laws and regulations. With this being the case, why not let one of our experienced personal tax accountants in Montreal work through the process with you to ensure that you take full advantage of all deductions and credits while maintaining the requirements of Canada's Income Tax Act.
At Accounting & Tax Shop (ATS) we specialise in helping you with your income tax, along with the following services:
Tax Returns
Our experienced staff know the process inside out ensuring that you are taking full advantage of all deductions and credits that are due. Our state of the art software allows us to file everything electronically while maintaining a full tax history for all of our clients. We like to build a personal relationship with all our clients as, ultimately, the better we know you the better we can serve your needs.
Personal Taxes and Financial Planning
Serious tax planning requires a long term outlook. With this in mind, we analyse personal taxes, corporate taxes, estate planning, and most importantly, your time to help build a plan with the ultimate goal of securing your’s and your family’s financial future.
Whether you’re looking for a quick consultation or an accounting firm to take care of more than just your yearly tax return, ATS is here for you. Send us an email to info@taxshop.ca or call on (514) 312-6400 and we will be happy to help.